ESS Global is the only GI Bill Approved Executive Protection School in Florida, offering both 3-Day and 28-Day Executive Protection training in Tampa.
GI Bill Approved Executive Protection School in Florida
Don’t be mislead. Only Schools that have participated in a lengthy approval process by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, and only those that have actually received an approval code, are allowed to accept your GI Bill Benefits. The schools that have been approved are then listed on the US Department of Veterans Affairs official website.
The official VA database lists schools by “program type”.
These include;
- Institutions of Higher Learning
- Non- College Degrees
- On The Job Training
- Flights Schools
- Correspondence
For Executive Protection training, one would look under “Non-College Degrees”.
If a school and/or course is not listed on this official VA website, it cannot honor your GI Bill Veteran benefits.
And if you are a Veteran, please do your research carefully.
Additionally, ESS Global is also approved for VA Vocational Rehab.
GI Bill Approved Executive Protection School in Florida
ESS Global offers a 3-day “Fast Start” as well as a 28-Day “Mega” Executive Protection Training and they are both approved by the VA for both GI Bill Benefits as well as Voc Rehab.
The 3-Day Fast Start Executive Protection Course
Covering all the basic pillars of executive protection, this 3-day training will provide you with the basic knowledge and protection techniques commonly used by the Secret Service, State Police, Highway Patrols, VIP and Dignitary Protection Units responsible for protecting politicians and other domestic and foreign dignitaries around the world.
Our ESS Global Executive Protection Training is designed as a “must-have” for beginners in the world of executive/close protection, as well as a “refresher” for career veterans in the protection industry .
This D.O.E. Certified Executive Protection Training gives you a strong start in the security industry covering city, county and state government organizations, corporate security services, security agencies and private individuals.
The 28 Day Executive Protection “Mega” Course
The ESS Global 28-Day Executive Protection “Mega” Course is a series of comprehensive protection training modules developed by ESS Global and approved by the D.O.E. This month-long executive protection training is for civilians, law enforcement and military personnel who wish to pursue a career in corporate security or protective services domestically or abroad.
This 28-Day ESS Global Executive Protection Training Program also provides military personnel an opportunity to transition back into the civilian workforce, and is approved by the VA for GI Bill Benefits. Please Note: While this “Mega” Executive Protection Training in Tampa is GI Bill Approved – Anyone can take this class.
Regardless of what you call it – Executive Protection, Close Protection, Bodyguarding, VIP Security, Personal Security Specialist, Family Security or any by any other label, ESS Global offers the premier 28-Day GI Bill Approved, D.O.E. Approved Executive Protection Training covering every aspect of Real World Protection.
The ESS Global Executive Protection 28-Day “Mega” Training includes;
- Executive Protection Certification
- Advanced Executive Protection Certification
- Threat Assessment & Security Advance Tactics Certification
Motorcade Tactics Certification
- Defensive Tactics Certification
- First Aid/CPR/AED Certification
- Florida Concealed Weapons Certification (May be used to obtain CWP license)
- NRA Basic Pistols Course Certification
- Collapsible Baton ASP Certification
- OC Spray Certification
- ASP Handcuffing Certification
- ASP Flashlight Training Certification
- Conductive Energy Weapon Certification (Phazzer)
- D License Certification (Unarmed Security Officer)
- G License Certification (Armed Security Officer)
In the 28-Day Executive Protection class, you will receive over 300+ hours of elite executive protection instruction and training from top industry professionals that we use as our instructors. You will learn from the best!
No matter which class you choose, either the 3-Day Executive Protection Class or the 28-Day “Mega” Course, you will receive the very best Executive Protection Training available.