ASP Handcuff Training in Tampa July 29 – Used in 81 countries for Law Enforcement, Security Officers, and other security and protection professionals.

ASP Handcuff Training in Tampa July 29  at ESS Global Corp

ASP Handcuff Training in Tampa
The ASP Basic Handcuff Certification (ABC) is a 4-hour, hands-on seminar which trains participants in the operational use of the hinged and chain handcuffs, as well as the proprietary ASP flex-cuffs. The program is simple to learn and easy to understand. It provides effective mechanical restraint tactics for law enforcement and private security personnel without long hours of training. The techniques were designed to work effectively for all users, male and female, large and small, fit as well as those in less-than-peak physical condition.
The program provides portation (carrying) and presentation (drawing) procedures as well as application techniques. These tactics are quickly learned, easily practiced and readily maintained long after the program is completed.
Class Length:   2 hours classroom, 2 hours training and drills.

ASP Handcuff Training in Tampa July 29 at ESS Global Corp

Equipment Requirements

Security Guard Services in Orlando - D and G1. Chain or hinged handcuffs, cuff case and duty belt or cuff case and sturdy belt – Cuff cases must be securely-fastened to a rigid clothing belt or duty-style belt. Cases of the molded plastic or soft varieties are both acceptable. It is recommended that police officers and private security personnel bring and wear their entire duty belts to assist in creating a more realistic training scenario. (Please ensure that firearms are NOT introduced into the classroom or training room.)
2. Appropriate Clothing – Students should bring appropriate clothing to participate in the classroom portion of the presentation. Athletic clothing is recommended for hands-on training and drills.

Other ASP Certification Classes at ESS Global in Tampa

  • ASP Tactical Baton
  • ASP Tactical Flashlight

See the ESS Event Calendar for upcoming training. Until then…stay safe.

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