School Security in Tampa Bay. ESS delivers security to Tampa area schools, colleges, universities, medical facilities, residential communities and more.

School Security in Tampa Bay and the Surrounding Area

School Security in Tampa Florida - Protect Your Students
ESS Global specializes in a number of security services ranging from dignitary and celebrity protection, to armed and unarmed security for corporate, medical, stadium/ arena, and educational markets, to threat analysis and more.
And at ESS, our security services extend to over 60 counties, to businesses, neighborhoods and facilities right here in Tampa.  ESS Global — Global Experience with a Local Focus.
When you need professional proactive protection, ESS is all you will need.

School Security in Tampa – ESS Global Corp

The importance of providing vigilant professional school security services in educational facilities and on school campuses throughout Florida has never been higher.
Today’s security environment is complex and challenging. It demands more sophisticated tactics to help mitigate risks. At ESS, we offer customization to respond and adapt to your evolving security concerns. As a leading provider of protection and guard services to the most security and safety-conscious organizations, ESS Global has proven time and time again, that it has the ability to handle both the routine and the extraordinary with security performance excellence.
And we are saddened by recent school shootings. But if there is one thing we have learned recently, it’s that schools are among the softest of targets. And without a professional threat assessment with proactive security, classrooms can all to easily be targeted and exploited.

School Security in Tampa Florida – First a word about arming teachers

School Security in Florida - Professional School SecurityLately, there has been talk about arming teachers. Now you realistically can’t arm every teacher. We must assume some, if not many, would not jump at the opportunity to be trained in effective use of a pistol as it relates to self-defense.
But we do see value as a shooter would not know which classes are not armed. And that lingering doubt about which classrooms are “safe” to enter, may very well help keep evildoers away. And there is also some value as it relates to “last line of defense”.

With all that being said, it should never get to that point.

School Security in Tampa Area – Hillsborough, Pinallas

School Security in Tampa
Here at ESS Global, we have been providing professional security for stadiums, conventions, outdoor events, indoor events, churches, schools and more throughout Florida. And in many ways, these types of venue protection are similar to school campus security.
It begins with a detailed site survey combined with a professional threat analysis. From there, we offer solutions tailored to your specific needs.
At ESS Global Corp, we’re serious about the security of your students and staff. We offer comprehensive security solutions designed to help manage and prevent school violence, reduce risk and give your school community the peace of mind they deserve.
The importance of providing vigilant professional school security services in educational facilities and on school campuses throughout Florida has never been higher.

The Benefits of Professional School Security in Tampa and Throughout Florida

School Security in Tampa Florida - Football Games
Professionally trained security officers are a proven deterrent to incidences of school violence and help establish a safe and peaceful environment for both students and staff. Vandalism, theft, harassment, physical confrontations and more can all be quickly suppressed, if not outright eradicated, with the presence of professional armed or unarmed security officers.
The security specialists at ESS can work with you to create a customized plan that best suits your security needs. And our professional school security guards possess the skills and personalities to quickly adapt to a school’s culture as well as specific security requirements as they pertain to your situation.
By taking responsibility for the safety of your school, you will have done the best thing possible to reduce risk.
