Common Human Trafficking Ploys

FBI Seal - ESS Global - Common Human Trafficking PloysUPDATED 9-9-2020
Perhaps you have read about the recent child trafficking busts in Georgia and other US states including Ohio and Indiana. But what you should also know is Covid-19 is creating a situation where it’s almost twice as likely to lose a child to sex trafficking.  

First, the internet is a primary recruiting mechanism for child sex trafficking. Youths are spending more time on the internet due to the pandemic. Children who are already vulnerable are at increased risk of being groomed by traffickers on the internet. Additionally, the pandemic has highlighted these vulnerabilities — many families and children are stretched thin on needed resources and are left insecure. Child sex traffickers most commonly are adults who provide a promise to vulnerable children of relationship, love, or other means of support.
Secondly, Human traffickers prey on vulnerable children: runaway and homeless youth; those with low social supports; children who have been sexually or physically abused or are chemically dependent; or children who have a history in the foster care system or juvenile detention – even from “good homes”. It’s not just sex trafficking: Children are at greater risk of all forms of child abuse during the pandemic because of an increase in risk factors such as stress, financial difficulties, food insecurity and isolation. Social distancing has removed many children and adolescents from social supports including schools, summer programs, and community services, decreasing opportunities for mandatory reporters and concerned citizens to notice warning signs of child abuse and take appropriate reporting action.
If you or someone you know could be a victim of sex trafficking or exploitation, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888
Original Post
Just last week, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, working with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, recovered 149 sexually exploited children and young adults and arrested more than 150 pimps and other individuals.
“Our mission is to protect the American people—especially our children—from harm,” said FBI Director James Comey in a statement. “When kids are treated as a commodity in seedy hotels and on dark roadsides, we must rescue them from their nightmare and severely punish those responsible for that horror. We simply must continue to work with our partners to end the scourge of sex trafficking in our country.” You can read the FBI report HERE.
“We’ve had fake photographers offer modeling shoots down here in Florida”, says Theo Billiris, CEO of ESS Global Corp. “One happened very recently in Orlando who then kidnapped and raped two young women. A free modeling photo shoot is a big attraction, however all too often it ends up at a remote location such as a secluded area or a home or garage off the beaten path. And it’s not just happening here in Florida, as shown by the FBI operation it’s happening all across America.”

Here are some human trafficking ploys that are common for children and young adults.

  • Blind Dates – Katie picks out the girls her “boss” would like and targets the ones who will bring in the most cash for payment. She befriends unsuspecting girls until they trust her enough to go on a blind date that Katie then sets up for them. Unfortunately for Taylor, she is one of the girls that Katie becomes friends with. Katie then suggests to Taylor that she goes on a blind date with a “really good friend who is going to school to be a veterinarian.” They meet at night at a restaurant. He seems nice, walks her to her car and a van pulls up. Taylor never sees her friends and family again.
  • The “Too Good To Be True” Offer – Much like the “free photo shoot” (with the fake portfolio to boot), these are the “chance of a lifetime” offers that involve amazing job offers, travel to places you’ve only read about and opportunities you only dreamed about. Except you never come home.
  • Parties and “social events” – these are human trafficking ploys inevitably at locations you’ve never been to (with people you have recently met). The drinks are spiked, the world spins and you blackout. When you wake, it’s quite possible you are not even in the same state.
    Social Media and Human Trafficking Ploys
    Be Careful on Social Media
  • Social Media including Craigslist, Backpage, Tinder and other websites, smartphone apps, texting and chatting. Social media is cool. It’s also dangerous when it leads to off-line meetings in unfamiliar (and even familiar) surroundings. Don’t think for a minute that pimps, traffickers and other nefarious individuals and organizations don’t use social media. Think for a minute. ISIS is all over social channels. Be careful. Be very careful.
  • Boyfriend – Remember, you are dealing with professionals who target your vulnerabilities. Much like the blind date ploy, your new boyfriend knows what to do and what to say. No one ever told you how beautiful you are and John really seemed to mean it. John also knows that we all have emotional needs. He invites you to a concert out of town, and neither John nor you return.

The bottom line is it’s terrifying how people take advantage of children and young adults. It’s a myth that human trafficking only happens in poor, underdeveloped countries. It occurs with frightening regularity throughout the US. Be safe, not sorry. Let everyone know where you are going. Go places with a true friend or meet people with chaperone.
Make every effort to be safe.
logo“As the only training facility in Florida to be licensed by the US Department of Education, ESS Global Corporation provides education, training and consulting for commercial endeavors, government entities and the general public solely designed to enhance the safety and security of our communities. Our partnerships promote an unrelenting devotion to high standards of duty and courage. ESS Global Corporation accomplishes this mission through an unwavering dedication to deliver comprehensive security services to the communities we value and serve.”


Holiday Safety Tips

The Thanksgiving Turkey has been picked to the bone, and the holiday shopping season has officially begun. 31 Holiday Safety Tips for 2017.
We know the holiday season is always a special time of year. It is also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime. Thieves are opportunistic and even worse, this is the time of year when professional criminals work 24 hours a day.
Since there are 31 days in December, here are 31 holiday safety tips from ESS Global Corp.

Holiday Safety Tips 2017

Holiday Safety Tips


  • Holiday Safety Tips - ChildrenChildren are a distraction in the car and at the mall and even more so during the holidays. They are also at a higher risk of being abducted. Child trafficking is rampant in the US.
  • If at all possible, leave small children at home with a trusted babysitter.
  • Teach your child to go to a store clerk or mall guard and ask for help in case your child is separated from you.
  • Never allow small children to make unaccompanied trips to the restroom.
  • Children of any age, should not be allowed to go to the car alone, especially at night.
  • Teach children their full name, address and telephone number to give to police officers or mall security guards.


  • Holiday Safety Tips - ATMUse ATM’s that are inside a building or a bank.
  • Shield your PIN when someone is behind you.
  • Only take out exactly what you need. This is not the time of year to walk around with a fistful of cash.
  • Pocket the receipt.

Shopping Malls, Strip Plazas and Box Stores

  • Shop during daylight hours whenever possible. If you must shop at night, go with friends or family. There is safety in numbers.
  • Do not carry a purse or wallet, if possible. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Keep cash in your front pocket.
  • This is the time of year to stay very alert to your surroundings.Shopping crowd
  • Keep a record of all of your credit card numbers in a safe place at home and notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost, stolen or misused (check your January statement with a fine toothed comb).
  • Be extra careful if you do carry a wallet or purse. They are the prime targets of criminals in Christmas shopping crowds and shopping areas. Purse snatchers love crowds, and mobs of shoppers make their “job” easier than at any other time of year.
  • Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. At this time of year, con-artists try various methods of distracting you with the intention of taking your money or belongings. You know the sort of thing: someone tells you a story of despair and asks for your money to help put things right. All too often these are con artist tricks — and they succeed because they sound like they’re real.

Driving and Parking

  • Holiday Safety Tips - ParkingAvoid driving alone especially at night.
  • Keep all car doors locked and windows closed.
  • If you must shop at night, park in a well-lit area. Again, try to go with friends/family.
  • Avoid parking next to vans or any car, truck with tinted/blacked out windows.
  • Park as close as you can to your destination and take notice of where you parked. This is not the time of year to be walking around a parking lot at night with a purse and presents, searching for your car.
  • Do not leave packages or valuables on the seat of your car. This is catnip for thieves. If you must leave anything in the car, lock it in the trunk or hide it out of sight.
  • Be sure to locate your keys before leaving the mall or store, do not fumble around for them standing beside your car.
  • When approaching your vehicle, be very aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not approach your car alone if there are suspicious people in the area. Ask a mall guard or store security for a quick escort to your vehicle.

Holiday Parties, Family Get-Togethers

  • Holiday Safety Tips- PartiesWhen leaving your home for an extended time, have a neighbor or family member watch your house and/or pick up your newspapers and mail.
  • Indoor and outdoor lights should be on automatic timers.
  • Leave a radio and some lights on so the house looks and sounds occupied while you are away.
  • Be cautious of posting holiday plans on Social Media.
  • Never drink and drive.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when you leave as well as when you get home.

ESSLonger nights and shorter days make for extended periods of low light. Anyone, especially a woman, walking through a dark parking garage or mall lot, both arms occupied with shopping bags, makes for a tempting target. Don’t be that target. Stay aware of your surroundings and may you and your family have a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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Executive Close Protection Services in Florida

ESS Global Corp is a full service security firm providing executive close protection services in Florida and Worldwide. ‘Executive Protection’ is a phrase that conjures up images of bodyguards and highly trained professionals protecting executives, celebrities, politicians and other VIPs from danger on the road, at their home, and at their place of work.

Executive Close Protection Services in Florida

While it’s true that executive security personnel indeed protect these people, the longstanding myth is that close protection is reserved for the elite “superstars” that are at an exceptionally high risk.
The fact is, there are many people who can actually benefit from executive security, otherwise known as close protection. Here are some of the types of individual that can benefit from engaging a close protection specialist.

  • You do not necessarily need to be a celebrity, a politician, or own a billion dollar business to require your own close protection – anyone who has experienced a sudden amount of public attention may also need one. This is often the case for members of the general public that have become widely known for any reason. This could be for any reason such as a media scandal or being seen on TV holding a big lottery check.
  • If you handle money, whether at a church or a bank or anything in between, close protection can make a significant difference in assuring the safety of the individual charged with this task. The same holds true in the transport of the money, as in many cases that presents the highest risk.
  • In the case of expensive possessions, engaging the services of a close protection specialist can prove to be invaluable. Transporting diamonds? Sensitive documents or information? There are many instances where it’s not the person someone could be after, it’s their possessions.
  • Close Protection - Divorce - ESS GlobalDivorces and domestic disputes is another reason protection services are used. Sometimes when spouses split up, the potential for violence exists.  Either party to the divorce may enlist the services of a personal close protection expert if the other has threatened to harm them.  In the case of domestic disputes, many security agencies are called upon to provide a level of protection to those who fear retribution from a threatening, violent or otherwise unpredictable ex-partner. If you feel that your safety is threatened by anyone you know, regardless of your relationship with them, hiring executive security can be one way to find some peace and normality until the issue is resolved.
  • Travel, especially if it’s out of the country. People often hire close personal protection for business and personal trips they make. Whether you are traveling outside of the country, or going to a high-dollar business meetings, the services of a protection specialist may be called upon. And it’s not just the usual hotspots you need to worry about. People traveling to Europe, India and other places that used to be considered safe are calling security firms like ESS Global Corp to ensure their safety abroad.

There are many reasons to hire a close protection specialist. At ESS Global Corp, we have your back. ESS has offices in Tampa and Orlando and is the leader in executive close protection services in Florida.
ESS Global Corp provides executive and close protection specialists, not just minimally trained bodyguards in order to keep our clients safe. Our Protection Services Include: Executive and Close-Personal Protection, Risk Assessments, Anti-Terrorism, Executive Travel, Self-Protection Training, Club and Venue Security and CPR/First Aid.
Have Questions? Call ESS Global, the world’s leading executive close protection and security consulting firm.
