Executive Protection Training in Tampa January 8 – 10

ESS Global Executive Protection Training in Tampa January 8-10 – D.O.E. Certified – GI Bill Approved Executive Protection training in Tampa Florida.

Executive Protection Training in Tampa January 8-10

Executive Protection Training in Tampa January 8 - 10
executive protection training in tampa januaryIf you have read the ESS Guide to Executive Protection Training, and you have determined it time to get started, ESS Global Corporation has an Executive Protection Training in Tampa September 9th. This training is an intensive 3-day training designed to get your career off to a great start.

Here are 4 reasons to get started at ESS Global

The Only Executive Protection School in Florida Approved by the VA to Accept GI Bill® Benefits

executive protection training in Tampa January 20-22If you are looking for a GI Bill® approved Executive Protection School, ESS Global Corp, a recognized leader in global security, now offers GI Bill® Approved Executive Protection Training, and is the only GI Bill approved Executive Protection School in Florida.
‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.”

The Only D.O.E. Certified Executive Protection School in Florida

You should only attend a school that is licensed through the Department of Education (D.O.E.). Then, you know that both their curriculum and instructors have had to of been reviewed and approved. All instructors have had background checks performed on them and have had to provide credentials that attest to their knowledge and ability to properly instruct. Additionally, the course syllabus is reviewed and approved by the Department of Education.

ESS Global Corporation Has Real World Experience 

ESS Global uses proven methodology, derived from protective security operations, security consulting and of course, security training, in over 60 countries around the world.  These operations have been conducted in threat environments ranging from “negligible” to “imminent”.

State of the Art Active Shooter Training

Virtra Simulator for active shooter in ESS Executive Protection TrainingIn addition to being the only D.O.E Certified Executive Protection School here in Florida, we are the only school offering active shooter training as part of our Bodyguard/Executive Protection training via the only VirTra Simulator here in Tampa Florida and the 1 of only 2 pubic installations in the entire country. It’s a close to real as you’ll ever get. And ESS Global is currently the only Executive Protection Training in the country utilizing this state of the art tool.

Executive Protection Training in Tampa January 8-10 at ESS Global

This is a training you don’t want to miss covering; Threat Assessment, Advance Tactics, Route Reconnaissance, Area Surveillance, Movement Safety, Situational Awareness, Defensive Driving and Evasion, Crowd Control, Vehicle Placement/Movement, Embus and Debus plans, and more.

  • Executive Protection Training in Tampa JanuaryApproved by the VA to accept GI Bill Benefits
  • Approved by the Department of Education
  • Real World Experience in over 60 Countries
  • The Only Executive Protection Training utilizing VirTra Active Shooter Training

Our Next 3-Day Executive Protection Training in Tampa January that is open for registration is January 8- 10 2018 here in the Tampa/Clearwater area (MAP). If you miss that one, or it fills before you read this, you can access our calendar of events.

Additionally, ESS offers a 28-Day Executive Protection Training that is also GI Bill approved. The next month long MEGA EP course runs January 8 – February 4.




Executive Protection Training Tampa January 20-22

Now is your chance for D.O.E. Approved Executive Protection Training Tampa January 20. Start a new career in the fast-growing world of close protection. GI Bill Approved.

Update 12-15-16: New class added in Tampa! And as of 12-13-16, ESS Global Corp Training in now Approved by The VA to Accept GI Bill Benefits.

Executive Protection Training Tampa

Executive Protection Training Tampa June 24-26At ESS Global, we are aware that there are competitors who state that they offer similar Executive Protection Training Programs. However, our Executive Protection School in the only protection training facility certified and approved by the Department of Education in the state of Florida. Additionally, ESS uses a proven methodology, derived from protective security operations, security consulting and of course, training, in over 60 countries around the world.  These operations have been conducted in threat environments ranging from “negligible” to “imminent ”.

Executive Protection Training Tampa

ESS Global Executive Protection Training June 24-27If you are serious about Executive Protection Training, you should know it differs significantly from;

  • VIP Protection Training
  • Close Protection Training
  • Bodyguard Training
  • Celebrity Protection Training
  • etc…

the secret service started executive protection trainingWhile the basic premise of a bodyguard goes back hundreds, if not thousands of years, Executive Protection is a relatively new field in the protection industry. Executive Protection was started in the 1970’s by the United States Secret Service when they created the Executive Protection Service to guard visiting foreign dignitaries.

There is no such thing as an Executive Protection “Certification” or “Degree”

Executive Protection Training Tampa June 24-26 call ESSIf you are considering a career in the rapidly growing executive protection field, know that in the protection industry, there is no EP “degree” (online or otherwise), no“license”, no state testing, and no state boards in most states. Executive Protection Training is usually lumped into the same category as Security Guards or Private Investigation and has little to do with either. Yet we see training to earn your “certified protection specialist credentials” advertised online. Unfortunately, nobody is regulating these schools, training centers and trainers. No government agency regulates or monitors what is taught and who is teaching it. Anybody off the street could be teaching you, and you could be paying for false or misleading information.

So the“protection credentials” you are handed at the end of the training is a piece of paper from the trainer and nothing more.

D.O.E. Approved executive protection trainingThis is exactly where the ESS Global Executive Protection Training School differs. We are licensed and our curriculum and instructors are all regulated and monitored by the D.O.E., and, we are the only Protection School in Florida that is D.O.E. approved and certified for executive protection training. 

Come train with the best! 

  • D.O.E. Approved
  • GI Bill Benefits Approved



 to check for availability, or email info@essglobalcorp.com

Tampa Bodyguards – ESS Global Corp

Tampa Bodyguards, Clearwater Bodyguards, Florida Bodyguards, Nationwide Bodyguards – The ESS Network can protect you anywhere and everywhere.

Tampa Bodyguards / Close Protection Service

Tampa bodyguards - Los Angeles Bodyguards - Anywhere and everywhere
ESS Global Corp, a recognized leader in global security and executive protection, is headquartered in Tampa, Florida. ESS also operates the only Executive Protection School in Florida that is approved by the Department of Education.
ESS Global provides bodyguard, personal close protection and event security throughout Florida, but also nationwide. ESS protects CEO’s, celebrities, dignitaries and more,  and has provided security in over 60 different countries.
Our core Executive Protection Service, provides discrete protection while transporting, tracking, monitoring, and intervening, without unnecessary interference with your professional or private affairs.
ESS Global Executive Protection Specialists provide immediate close proximity response to threats against individuals, families, employees and corporations on a worldwide basis.

ESS Global – Tampa Bodyguards / Close Protection Services include;

  • Plain Clothes Tampa BodyguardsDiscrete Bodyguards (plain clothes) – pictured
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Corporate Executive Protection
  • Threat Assessment
  • Personal Protection
  • Estate Security
  • Sporting Events
  • Concert Venue Security
  • Airport Service
  • Social Events
  • Restaurants/Clubs
  • Secure VIP Transportation
  • Armed Transport Service
  • and more

Need Tampa Bodyguards in a hurry? No one is better prepared than ESS.

Local travel to international destinations, ESS Global provide secure transportation for executives, corporate clients, event coordinators, high net-worth/high profile individuals, celebrities, VIP’s and dignitaries.
Executive Protection 3 - The best Tampa BodyguardsESS Global Corp is a licensed provider of Secure Transportation and Protective Services for executives, media personalities, professionals and families, ensuring that you and your loved ones are safe and secure. Whether transporting and protecting executives, politicians, celebrities or your family, our team has the experience and expertise to offer a broad array of safe, secure, reliable, and discrete transportation and close protection services. Whatever the situation you are in, or the situation you are trying to avoid, we can help you.
Whether you’re an executive going across town, across the country, or around the world, you can count on the professionals at ESS Global Corp to get you there and back in safety and comfort. Our agents are D.O.E. trained security ageESSnts who have protected executives from Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, professional athletes, politicians and high net-worth clients all over the U.S. (and in over 60 countries) who literally trust us with their lives.
With ESS Global, no job is too big. But we also know no job is too small, because if it’s important to you, it’s important to us.
VIP Transportation and Security Questions? Email or Call us, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Email info@essglobalcorp.com or call us at 727-940-7926 today

Advanced Executive Protection Training in Tampa

ESS Global Corp offers Advanced Executive Protection Training in Tampa, Orlando, Raleigh, Charlotte, Los Angeles, Dallas, Detroit, Chicago and Las Vegas.

Advanced Executive Protection Training

If you have taken our top-rated D.O.E. approved Executive Protection Class, you already know that ESS Global has set the bar higher than any other training available.

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

advanced executive protection trainingThe ESS Global Advanced Executive Protection Training entails all the necessary work required for a live detail. Students will have to now put into action everything they learned in the Executive Protection training course.  You will have to perform a security advance and threat assessment in preparation for a real live detail with a VIP on the final day of class.
The majority of this course will not take place in a classroom setting, but rather out in the field.  What you will do in this course will be no different than what successful industry professionals do on a daily basis.  You will be working a real live Executive Protection detail and you will perform all operations involved with such a detail.
The Advanced Executive Protection Training is as close to the real thing you can get, because it is the real thing. 
VipTransportThis Advanced Executive Protection Course will only be for those who have completed and excelled in our D.O.E. approved Executive Protection training course.  It will be by invitation only based on our instructors assessment of each student upon completion of  the Executive Protection training course.  Those who have completed Executive protection training courses at other agencies that we accept or have ample years of on the job training in the Executive Protection field may contact us as to whether they may or may not they qualify for this course.
ESS Global - Executive ProtectionUpon completion of this course, you will no longer wonder what the Executive Protection industry is like.  You will have experienced it for yourself first hand.  This course will prepare you for the expected and make you mindful of the unexpected.
It is the closest training to the real thing that you can receive.

Financing/Payment Plans now available!!!

UPDATE 12-15-16 ESS is VA Approved to accept GI Benefits.
Discounts available for all students who have already completed the Executive Protection course or TASA course with ESS Global.
Tuition: $500
(Students responsible for fuel costs and transportation during training)

venue security in floridaPlease call 727-940-7926 or email us at info@essglobalcorp.com to register for our Advanced Executive Protection Training in Tampa, Orlando, Charlotte, Raleigh, Chicago, Detroit, Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and more to come.

Space is limited. Call Today!

Secure VIP Transportation – Executive Protection by ESS

A recent article in the New Yorker points to big security issues in the VIP Limousine Industry. Be safe, not sorry. Hire Secure VIP Transportation through ESS Global.

Secure VIP Transportation – Executive Protection by ESS

In a recent article in the New Yorker Magazine, Nicholas Schmidle exposed how TMZ digs up “Celebrity Dirt” and we both know they are not the only one. Perez Hilton, Gawker, Radar, Defamer, and others take a merciless approach to celebrity news by paying for sources.
Is your VIP Limousine Company leaking details about you?
Secure vip transportation - Protection not selling
TMZ for instance, has built a deep network of sources. When some TMZ e-mails were leaked to the New Yorker, they included payments to limousine services to provide lists of clients, their planned routes and destinations, even the license plate numbers of the vehicles. A former production assistant for TMZ, Justin Kaplin, spoke of handing over envelopes full of cash to limo companies. The process was so often, “We barely said a word to each other”. Then they proceed to work the destination venue as well, whether it’s a salon, restaurant, airline flight and more. One e-mail boasts that “It’s not an accident the guy with the camera is waiting at the Delta Airlines check-in counter at 8 A.M.”
Other emails tell of establishing a source at Uber for this type of information.
And these are the people you pay good money to, as they sell your information to the highest bidder.

We respectfully request that you contact ESS Global Corp – a leading executive protection and security firm.

Google VIP Transportation and you’ll see a list of limo companies with chauffeurs that have not been schooled in Close Protection, Evasive Driving Techniques, Venue Recon, Embus and Debus Planning, and other necessary protection practices that help ensure a safe and stress-free trip, as well as NOT sell your travel details to the online bidders. That’s a job for ESS Global Corp.
VIP Transportation
ESS knows how important it is for you to get to your destination both safely and in a timely manner.  It is for these reasons that all of our agents are trained and well versed in motorcade operations and evasive tactics. Each member of our team has been trained in defensive and evasive driving tactics as well as additional training at other agencies. The ESS Global promise is to get you to your destination not only safely, but comfortably as well.
Secure VIP Transportation
Once we know the destination, we will take all the necessary measures to ensure that your travel goes by without the slightest mishap. Many hours will go into planning your travel.  Our team will advance all possible routes and then choose what they believe to be the best possible routes for where it is that you want to go.  This is determined by many different factors that we take into account so that you don’t have to worry and wonder, you simply enjoy your ride.
Executive Protection 3
Not only do we take the time to choose the best route for you, but we will also put together embus and debus plans to make certain that you safely enter and exit your vehicle at each destination.  As in our Executive Protection and our Venue Security, we leave nothing to chance.
ESS Global Corp is a licensed provider of Secure Transportation and Protective Services for executives, media personalities, professionals and families, ensuring that you and your loved ones are safe and secure. Whether transporting and protecting executives, politicians, celebrities or your family, our team has the experience and expertise to offer a broad array of safe, secure, reliable, and discrete transportation and close protection services. Whatever the situation you are in, or the situation you are trying to avoid, we can help you.

  • Secure VIP Transportation
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Executive Protection
  • Close Protection/Bodyguard Services
  • Threat Assessment
  • Personal Protection
  • Estate Security
  • Sporting Events
  • Concert Venue Security
  • Airport Service
  • Social Events
  • Restaurants/Clubs

Whether you’re an executive going across town, across the country, or around the world, you can count on the professionals at ESS Global Corp to get you there and back in safety and comfort. Our agents are D.O.E. trained security ageESSnts who have protected executives from Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, professional athletes, politicians and high net-worth clients all over the U.S. (and in over 60 countries) who literally trust us with their lives.
With ESS Global, no job is too big. But we also know no job is too small, because if it’s important to you, it’s important to us.
VIP Transportation and Security Questions? Email or Call us, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Email info@essglobalcorp.com or call us at 727-940-7926



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