It’s late August and that means children are headed back to school, or maybe going to class for the first time. ESS Global would like to remind all parents to make sure your children are as safe as possible. Here are 5 back to school safety tips to make the trips back and forth to school as safe as possible.
- Know the Numbers – Children should know their phone number, address, how to dial 9-1-1 and how to reach their parents at work. Another way to help them remember is to use a small business card to list all emergency information such as phone numbers and addresses and attach it to the inside your child’s backpack.
- Walk the School Route – walk along with your children before the first day of school to make sure it is safe and your child knows the route. Encourage your kids to avoid short cuts unless they have been pre-approved. Same goes for the bus stop unless it’s right outside your front door.
- Be Observant – Tell your children to stay observant and aware of their surroundings as they walk. If they think they are being followed, they should immediately go to a trusted adult and tell them. Make sure your children know who is a trusted adult: law enforcement, store owners, or a teacher, to name a few.
- Stranger Danger – Make sure your child knows what to do if they think they are in danger – they should yell “help” or “you are not my mom/dad” and run to the nearest business or back to school. Tell your child, if a stranger asks questions, they should not get close to the car. Make sure they know to never get in a car with a stranger – anyone the kids and parents don’t know or know very well.
- Some are Tricky – Make sure your child knows they should never go near any adult they don’t personally know who asks for assistance. Some “bad” adults might ask for help or even claim they are looking for a lost puppy, or kitten.
Lastly, make sure your children know that if they feel threatened or suspicions at all, it’s OK to scream. Tell your child that if they are ever in a situation that makes them uncomfortable, they have the right to say no, loud and clear.
As the only training facility in Florida to be licensed by the US Department of Education, ESS Global Corporation provides education, training and consulting for commercial endeavors, government entities and the general public solely designed to enhance the safety and security of our communities.