Class Added – Handcuffing and ASP Tactical Baton Training November 14 at 9:00 AM at ESS Global Corp. Take either on or both! Call Today!!
Class Added – Handcuffing and ASP Tactical Baton November 14 at ESS Global Corp
ASP Tactical Handcuff November 14
The ASP Basic Handcuff Certification (ABC) is a 4-hour, hands-on seminar which trains participants in the operational use of the hinged and chain handcuffs, as well as the proprietary ASP flex-cuffs. The program is simple to learn and easy to understand. It provides effective mechanical restraint tactics for law enforcement and private security personnel without long hours of training. The techniques were designed to work effectively for all users, male and female, large and small, fit as well as those in less-than-peak physical condition.
The program provides portation (carrying) and presentation (drawing) procedures as well as application techniques. These tactics are quickly learned, easily practiced and readily maintained long after the program is completed.
ASP Tactical Baton Training Tampa November 14
The ASP Basic Certification (ABC) is a 7-hour, hands-on seminar which trains participants in the operational use of the ASP Tactical Baton. The program is simple to learn and easy to understand. It provides effective defensive impact weapon tactics for law enforcement and private security personnel, as well as responsible civilians without long hours of training. The techniques were designed to work effectively for all users, male and female, large and small, fit as well as those in less-than-peak physical condition.
This training teaches you how to identify the stages of conflict in order to recognize the threat, reduce the threat, and determine how and when to use force. You will be taught how to use proper defensive positions, methods of movement, drawing techniques, baton counter-strikes, and baton retention techniques and more.
The ASP program provides portation (carrying) and presentation (drawing) procedures as well as striking techniques. These tactics are quickly learned, easily practiced and readily maintained long after the program is completed.
The impact weapon techniques in all ASP Tactical Baton programs are designed to meet three standards of training:
- The techniques work on the street, not just in the classroom.
- The techniques are court defensible and are backed by the nation’s most experienced use-of-force consultants.
- The program is administratively feasible for use in a contemporary private security or law enforcement agency.