What is Executive Protection – What You Need to Know – ESS

What is Executive Protection and how does it differ from hiring a bodyguard? What you need to know before hiring an executive protection specialist.

What is Executive Protection – What You Need to Know – ESS

There is a difference between bodyguards and executive protection strategies.
Executive protection (EP), also known as close protection, refers to security measures taken to ensure the safety of VIPs. celebrities, executives or other individuals who may be exposed to elevated personal risk because of their employment, celebrity status, wealth, associations or geographical location.
Executive protection is its own highly specialized field within the private security industry, and was started by the US Secret Service back in the 1970’s while protecting foreign dignitaries.

Executive Protection Services from ESS GlobalWhat is Executive Protection and how does it differ from hiring a bodyguard?

What is Executive Protection and how important is it? Unfortunately, all it takes is a very bad event to answer that question. And that is primarily where executive protection varies from hiring a bodyguard. While having a bodyguard with an NFL physique open your limo door looks imposing, executive protection requires risk assessment, advance work and lot’s of legwork to insure all goes according to plan.

What is Executive Protection? Mitigating Risk

The assessment of risk probability for any VIP is affected by a number of details. While some truly are industry secrets, there are 3 probabilities we can discuss here, that a typical “bodyguard” would never be trained on.
Specific Threats
Specific threats to the principal and his/her family from “persons of interest” need to be perceived and analyzed to keep the principals safe now and in the future. It should be no surprise that those who pose the biggest threats are rarely those who end up making direct threats. This mean that assessing risk entails more than recording actual threats. It should also encompass proactive intelligence to identify both probable and possible threats from persons and groups of interest. 
motorcade training in tampa bayTraffic
For some reason, crime, terrorism, kidnapping and traffic risks are perceived to be greater in certain cities or countries. A jeweler traveling to Caracas is perceived to be at greater risk than traveling to Chicago. Perhaps, but risk is everywhere. And while we are on the topic of travel, do you know the greatest single risk in travel? Getting seriously hurt in a road accident while driving a car. Secure transportation is a very important component of executive protection.
The third key indicator of risk probability is prominence. The more well known the principal is, the more likely they are to be approached by “persons of interest”. These interactions can range from slight to enormous invasions of privacy. They can be largely innocuous, or incredibly hostile. For celebrities, it can be over zealous fans. For other industries, say politicians, oil executives, religious speakers and other polarizing individuals, the risk of threat is higher.

Executive Protection and Bodyguards are Night and Day

Most bodyguards wonder “What is Executive Protection?” Why? Most bodyguards have never heard such words as Threat Assessment, Advance Tactics, Route Reconnaissance, Embus and Debus plans, Area Surveillance, Movement Safety, etc. These guys usually show up on the day of an event/gig and depend on physical deterrence. The problem with that is, there is usually someone in the crowd that no matter how big you are, they will still try something foolish. Many times purposely, in an effort to get your hands on them and then collect a payday in the form of a lawsuit or out of court settlement/payoff.
In the protection industry, there is no “license”, no testing, and no boards in most states. Executive Protection is usually lumped into the same category as Security Guards or Private Investigation and has little to do with either. Yet we see training to earn your “certified protection specialist credentials” advertised online. Unfortunately, nobody is regulating these schools, training centers and trainers. Meaning, nobody regulates or monitors what is taught and who is teaching it. Anybody off the street could be teaching you false and/or misleading information and you are paying for it. So your “protection credentials” at the end of the day is a piece of paper from the trainer and nothing more.

We Hire From Our Own School

This is exactly where ESS Global Executive Protection School differs. We are licensed and our curriculum and instructors are all regulated and monitored by the D.O.E. And, only a few elite schools are D.O.E. approved and certified for executive protection. ESS has the only Executive Protection School in Florida, that is certified and approved by the D.O.E.

What You Need to Know About Executive Protection

New Challenges
executive protection - things can change rapidly Executive Protection Specialists that are responsible for the safety and security of VIPs, corporate executives, politicians, celebrities and others are facing new challenges. These challenges are created by a shift in how these principals are viewed by society at large.  Now, in the age of social media, VIPs can face near instant criticism and scorn for what others may deem a controversial position or statement, and in mere minutes, that criticism can reach hundreds of thousands of people. With a negative message getting vaulted into cyberspace, a principal can be confronted with a serious risk from lone activists and fringe groups who are determined to use extreme means to make an example of corporations, political beliefs, or celebrities which they suddenly perceive in a negative light.

Executive Protection – It’s All in the Assessment

Executive protection risk analysisThe first step in hiring an Executive Protection Firm is a Risk Assessment. This assessment process gauges the Threat/Vulnerability/Risk issues, factoring in such priorities as the type of industry that the principal is in, the notoriety, and the opposition groups/people they may encounter. This is a time-intensive and in-depth process that should be managed by a professional with experience in VIP risk assessment.  Very often, an outside consultation firm like ESS Global Corp, is the best option for managing this process.  ESS will give you an objective assessment of the most pertinent issues that your Executive Protection program will need to focus on.
Once the assessment phase is complete a program outline is then developed based on the threats/vulnerabilities/risks that were identified.  This program outline will address the identified issues through a spectrum of risk mitigation strategies intended to be cost-effective and proactively efficient. Although every situation is unique, there are mitigation strategies that are common to most all of them, such as the use of trained security drivers, protective intelligence gathering/analysis, embus and debus procedures, plans for public and private events, surveillance detection programs, and executive protection. These mitigation strategies require an understanding of the implications that come with them.

Good protective work is seldom seen, but always present. To learn more about ESS Global Executive Protection and VIP Protection, contact us today.

executive protection - for the familyWhen it comes to your security and the safety of your family, never accept “security” that compromises your protection by putting you in the hands of untrained personnel. Our close protection personnel are ideal for executives, executive teams, celebrities, athletes, politicians, musicians, dignitaries, and other individuals and families that need protection for an event, a venue, travel, a meeting, or 24/7, to protect privacy, family, careers and overall safety and well-being.
Email info@essglobalcorp.com


Florida Bodyguard Service

ESS Global Corp offers professional Florida Bodyguard Service. Choose the company that has provided close protection services in over 60 countries – ESS.

Florida Bodyguard Service

Florida Bodyguard Service
Here at ESS Global Corp, we specialize in providing executive and close protection services in Florida and beyond. ESS provides Florida bodyguard services and close protection specialists for corporate executives, VIP’s, or anyone in the area who is looking to stay safe while attending an event, or even just visiting Florida. We also provide armed and unarmed security and safety consulting services, such as vulnerability assessments as well as secure VIP transportation.
ESS Global Corp clients benefit from:

  • Customized Risk Assessments
  • Close Protection Agent Availability throughout Florida, The US, As Well As Globally
  • Secure Ground Transportation
  • Travel Planning and Protection
  • Private Aircraft Protection
  • Special Event Security
  • Venue Security and Protection

ESS Global Corp will take every precaution when it comes to protecting you, your family, and your property.  Our agents experience in this field is second to none.
Additionally, ESS Global runs one of the top-rated bodyguard school in the nation. We only choose the very best to continue on and represent ESS out in the field.

Florida Bodyguard Service – Exceed Your Needs

“People need to remember”, says Theodore Billiris, CEO of ESS Global Corp, “everyday situations in relatively safe locations are not totally risk free. It doesn’t matter if the threat is planned or opportunistic. Incidents affecting personal safety, both directly and indirectly, can, and do, occur every day. This threat is heightened with travel outside the perceived safety of the home.”

Florida Bodyguard Service - ESS Protection on TVESS Global personnel go through exhaustive executive protection training such as high risk defensive driving, logistical and travel planning, crisis management, emergency coordination, threat assessment, hand to hand combat, first aid and other disciplines that provide you with the safety and comfort you deserve.
When it comes to your security and the safety of your family, never accept “security” that compromises your protection by putting you in the hands of untrained personnel. Our close protection personnel are ideal for executives, executive teams, celebrities, athletes, politicians, musicians, dignitaries, and other individuals and families that need protection for an event, a venue, travel, a meeting, or 24/7, to protect privacy, family, careers and overall safety and well-being.

Florida Bodyguard Service – ESS Global

  • Celebrities – Celebrities are well known, and sometimes they are not liked by everyone. Keep in mind, it may not just be individuals that hate, but they may be attacked by over- zealous fans as well.
  • CEO’s and Corporate Executives – They need protection from disgruntle employees, corporate layoffs, kidnapping, corporate sabotage, protesters and more.
  • Concerts – Singers and bands require extensive protection services.
  • VIP Events – They might not be “Hollywood Famous” but instances like industry or corporate or religious speakers and others need personal protection at events.
  • Dignitaries, Politicians, Rallies, Court Dates, Speeches, Conventions and Other Events – Tensions at many events can run very high.
  • Family Protection – It’s easy to understand why a nefarious individual who could not penetrate the primary target, would then set their sights on family members.
  • Businesses – Art dealers, jewelers, banks, pharmacies, 24 hour stores and more hire close protection and security specialists.
  • Asset Protection – People use bodyguards to protect their assets. This can be their business, their home, or their valuables.
  • Estate Protection – Many private estates have millions of dollars’ worth of valuables to protect, as well as family members.
  • Private Events and Private Gatherings – “Venue Protection” – It’s not just “wedding crashers” that cause problems.

Have Questions? Give us a call.

And you’ll quickly realize why ESS is the leader in close protection, bodyguard, and executive protection services in Florida.


Executive Protection Services in Florida

ESS Global Corp offers executive protection services in Florida. Choose the company that has provided close protection and bodyguard services in over 60 countries. ESS Global Corp.

Executive Protection Services in Florida

At ESS, we specialize in providing executive protection services in Florida and beyond. ESS provides bodyguard services and close protection specialists for corporate executives, VIP’s, or anyone in the area who is looking to stay safe while attending an event, or even just visiting Florida. We also provide armed and unarmed security and safety consulting services, such as vulnerability assessments and secure VIP transportation.

Executive Protection Services in Florida

Executive Protection Services in Florida – Exceed Your Needs

“People need to remember”, says Theodore Billiris, CEO of ESS Global Corp, “everyday situations in relatively safe locations are not totally risk free. It doesn’t matter if the threat is planned or opportunistic. Incidents affecting personal safety, both directly and indirectly, can, and do, occur every day. This threat is heightened with travel outside the perceived safety of the home.”
ESS Global Corp clients benefit from:

  • Customized Risk Assessments
  • Close Protection Agent Availability throughout Florida, The US, As Well As Globally
  • Secure Ground Transportation
  • Travel Planning and Protection
  • Private Aircraft Protection
  • Special Event Security
  • Venue Security and Protection

ESS Global Corp will take every precaution when it comes to protecting you, your family, and your property.  Our agents experience in this field is second to none.

Executive Protection Services in Florida – Call the Leader in Close Protection – ESS

Q. What do famous bands, singers, speakers, television networks, political parties and figures, sports stars and CEO’s all have in common?
A. They Choose ESS Global Corp.
At ESS Global, we know Florida Security. If you need executive protection services in Florida, the US or globally, your best call is ESS Global Corp.
bodyguard and executive protections services in Florida

  • Celebrities – Celebrities are well known, and sometimes they are not liked by everyone. Keep in mind, it may not just be individuals that hate, but they may be attacked by over- zealous fans as well.
  • CEO’s and Corporate Executives – They need protection from disgruntle employees, corporate layoffs, kidnapping, corporate sabotage, protesters and more.
  • Concerts – Singers and bands require extensive protection services.
  • VIP Events – They might not be “Hollywood Famous” but instances like industry or corporate or religious speakers and others need personal protection at events.
  • Dignitaries, Politicians, Rallies, Speeches, Conventions and Other Events – Tensions at many events can run very high.
  • Family Protection – It’s easy to understand why a nefarious individual who could not penetrate the primary target, would then set their sights on family members.
  • Businesses – Art dealers, jewelers, banks, pharmacies, 24 hour stores and more hire close protection and security specialists.
  • Asset Protection – People use bodyguards to protect their assets. This can be their business, their home, or their valuables.
  • Estate Protection – Many private estates have millions of dollars’ worth of valuables to protect, as well as family members.
  • Private Events and Private Gatherings – “Venue Protection” – It’s not just “wedding crashers” that cause problems.

Have Questions? Give us a call.

logo - Executive protection services in FloridaAnd you’ll quickly realize why ESS is the leader in close protection, bodyguard, and executive protection services in Florida.



Bodyguard Service Tampa – Clearwater – St Petersburg

Bodyguard Service Tampa, Clearwater, St Petersburg and more. ESS – Your first choice for armed and unarmed bodyguards and close protection services.

Bodyguard Service Tampa – Clearwater – St Petersburg

ESS Global Corp, a recognized leader in global security and executive protection, is headquartered in Tampa, Florida. Additionally, ESS also operates the only Executive Protection School in Florida that is approved by the Department of Education.
ESS Global Corp is a full-service Bodyguard/Executive Protection corporation providing individual, corporate,VIP, celebrity and dignitary close protection services and event security throughout the Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg area and beyond. ESS security agents have operated here in Tampa, throughout the US, as well as over 60 countries.

ESS Global – Bodyguard Service Tampa / Close Protection Services include;

  • Discrete Bodyguards (plain clothes) 
  • Vulnerability Assessments
  • Corporate Executive Protection
  • Threat Assessments
  • Personal Protection (adult and children)
  • Estate Security
  • Sporting Events
  • Concert/Venue Security
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Airport Service
  • Social Events
  • Venue and Event Security
  • Restaurants/Clubs
  • Secure VIP Transportation
  • Armed Transport Service
  • and more

Need Bodyguard Service in the Tampa Area? Nobody is Better Prepared than ESS

bodyguard service tampaESS Global Corp is a licensed provider of Protective Service and Discrete Transportation Services for executives, VIP’s, media personalities, professionals and families, ensuring that you and your loved ones are both safe and secure. Whether transporting and protecting executives, politicians, celebrities or your family, our team has the experience and expertise to offer a broad array of safe, secure, reliable, and discrete bodyguard/close protection services.

Whatever the situation you are in, or the situation you are trying to avoid, we can help you.

ESS Global – Bodyguard Service Tampa, Clearwater, St.Petersburg, Orlando, Miami, West Palm Beach and throughout Florida and around the globe.

Whether you’re going across town, across the country, or around the world, you can count on the professionals at ESS Global Corp to get you there and back in safety and comfort. Our D.O.E. trained security agents have protected executives from Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, professional athletes, politicians and high net-worth clients all over the U.S. (and in over 60 countries) who literally trust us with their lives.
At ESS Global, no job is too big. But we also know no job is too small, because if it’s important to you, it’s important to us.

Security Questions? Email or Call us, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Email info@essglobalcorp.com or call us at 727-940-7926 today

Tampa Bodyguards – ESS Global Corp

Tampa Bodyguards, Clearwater Bodyguards, Florida Bodyguards, Nationwide Bodyguards – The ESS Network can protect you anywhere and everywhere.

Tampa Bodyguards / Close Protection Service

Tampa bodyguards - Los Angeles Bodyguards - Anywhere and everywhere
ESS Global Corp, a recognized leader in global security and executive protection, is headquartered in Tampa, Florida. ESS also operates the only Executive Protection School in Florida that is approved by the Department of Education.
ESS Global provides bodyguard, personal close protection and event security throughout Florida, but also nationwide. ESS protects CEO’s, celebrities, dignitaries and more,  and has provided security in over 60 different countries.
Our core Executive Protection Service, provides discrete protection while transporting, tracking, monitoring, and intervening, without unnecessary interference with your professional or private affairs.
ESS Global Executive Protection Specialists provide immediate close proximity response to threats against individuals, families, employees and corporations on a worldwide basis.

ESS Global – Tampa Bodyguards / Close Protection Services include;

  • Plain Clothes Tampa BodyguardsDiscrete Bodyguards (plain clothes) – pictured
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Corporate Executive Protection
  • Threat Assessment
  • Personal Protection
  • Estate Security
  • Sporting Events
  • Concert Venue Security
  • Airport Service
  • Social Events
  • Restaurants/Clubs
  • Secure VIP Transportation
  • Armed Transport Service
  • and more

Need Tampa Bodyguards in a hurry? No one is better prepared than ESS.

Local travel to international destinations, ESS Global provide secure transportation for executives, corporate clients, event coordinators, high net-worth/high profile individuals, celebrities, VIP’s and dignitaries.
Executive Protection 3 - The best Tampa BodyguardsESS Global Corp is a licensed provider of Secure Transportation and Protective Services for executives, media personalities, professionals and families, ensuring that you and your loved ones are safe and secure. Whether transporting and protecting executives, politicians, celebrities or your family, our team has the experience and expertise to offer a broad array of safe, secure, reliable, and discrete transportation and close protection services. Whatever the situation you are in, or the situation you are trying to avoid, we can help you.
Whether you’re an executive going across town, across the country, or around the world, you can count on the professionals at ESS Global Corp to get you there and back in safety and comfort. Our agents are D.O.E. trained security ageESSnts who have protected executives from Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, professional athletes, politicians and high net-worth clients all over the U.S. (and in over 60 countries) who literally trust us with their lives.
With ESS Global, no job is too big. But we also know no job is too small, because if it’s important to you, it’s important to us.
VIP Transportation and Security Questions? Email or Call us, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Email info@essglobalcorp.com or call us at 727-940-7926 today