ESS Global offers D.O.E. Approved Class D Security Training in Tampa – The next Class D Security Training in Tampa is July 5-8 and is only $150.
Class D Security Training in Tampa
Looking for the very best Florida Class D security training in Tampa and the Clearwater area? ESS Global Corp is the only security training facility in Florida to be licensed and approved by the Department of Education. Our D.O.E. Approved Florida Class D Security Training in Tampa is now only $150.
That’s 4 days of training for a quick start in the fast growing security industry.
- Despite growing concerns recently of a possible economic slowdown, the outlook for the Security Services industry continues to show substantial growth. As security concerns continue to escalate, government and private entities are expected to increase spending to improve all aspects of their security programs.
- The U.S. Bureau of Labor anticipates “excellent” overall job opportunities for security guards through 2024, with employment growing at about 5.4% during the period. The bureau expects the number of people employed as security guards in the U.S. to reach 1.15 million by 2024.
- A report from the Freedonia Group report also notes that security guard services will attract the largest share of overall U.S. security spending through 2019. This highlights the continued importance of having skilled, qualified personnel.
And as the leading provider of Security Training in Florida, ESS Global Corp is the the only Security School in the State of Florida whose courses are monitored and approved by the D.O.E. The only one. Additionally, our instructors bring “real world” information to you in an engaging, informative manner.
Class D Security Training in Tampa – 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
The requirements are as follows:
Be at least 18 years of age.
- Be of good moral character.
- Be a citizen or legal resident alien of the United States.
- May not have been adjudicated incapacitated under s. 744.331 or a similar statute in another state.
- May not have been involuntarily placed in a treatment facility for the mentally ill, unless judicially restored.
- May not have been diagnosed with an incapacitating mental illness, unless cleared by a psychiatrist.
- May not be a chronic or habitual user of alcoholic beverages to the extent the individual’s normal faculties are impaired.
- May not have been committed for controlled substance abuse.
See Our Calendar and Register for an upcoming class. Until we see you…be safe.