While there are no authentic Executive Protection certifications, there are valid Secondary Executive Protection Certifications that you’ll need to have.
Executive Protection Certifications
If you are considering a career in the rapidly growing executive protection field, know that in the protection/security industry, there is no “license”, there is no state testing, and their are no state boards in most states. Consequently, in nearly every state, there are no Executive Protection Certifications. Executive Protection Training is usually lumped into the same category as Security Guards or Private Investigation and has very little to do with either.
Yet online, we see training to earn your “certified protection specialist credentials” advertised on various websites. Unfortunately, nobody is regulating these schools, training centers and trainers. So know this; No government agency regulates or monitors what is taught and who is teaching it. Thus, anybody off the street could be teaching you, and you could be paying for false, misleading, inaccurate information.
The “protection credentials” you are handed at the end of the training, is simply a piece of paper from the trainer and nothing more.
How ESS Global is Different

This is exactly where the ESS Global Executive Protection Training School differs. We are licensed and our curriculum and instructors are all regulated and monitored by the Department of Education (D.O.E.), and only a select few elite schools are D.O.E. approved and certified for executive protection training.
But there are important Secondary Executive Protection Certifications that can further your career in the security/protection field.
Secondary Executive Protection Certifications
The ASP Basic Certification (ABC) is a 7-hour, hands-on seminar which trains participants in the operational use of the ASP Tactical Baton. The program is simple to learn and easy to understand. It provides effective defensive impact weapon tactics for law enforcement and private security personnel, as well as responsible civilians without long hours of training. The techniques were designed to work effectively for all users, male and female, large and small, fit as well as those in less-than-peak physical condition.
The program provides portation (carrying) and presentation (drawing) procedures as well as striking techniques. These tactics are quickly learned, easily practiced and readily maintained long after the program is completed.
The ASP Basic Handcuff Certification (ABC) is a 4-hour, hands-on seminar which trains participants in the operational use of the hinged and chain handcuffs, as well as the proprietary ASP flex-cuffs. The program is simple to learn and easy to understand. It provides effective mechanical restraint tactics for law enforcement and private security personnel without long hours of training. The techniques were designed to work effectively for all users, male and female, large and small, fit as well as those in less-than-peak physical condition.
The program provides portation (carrying) and presentation (drawing) procedures as well as application techniques. These tactics are quickly learned, easily practiced and readily maintained long after the program is completed.

This four (4) hour end-user level certification program focuses on the deployment, handling and documentation of the use of OC (oleoresin capsicum) chemical aerosols.
This course will train the police officer or private security officer in the use of aerosols tactics and will help protect both the officer as well as their agency from costly litigation issues that could arise from the use of OC aerosol projectors.
This program addresses proper deployment techniques, situational requirements and situational appropriateness of various projectors, defensive and retention contamination drills, decontamination, proper use-of-force reporting and operational guidelines.
Pepper spray can save your life — but it can also make a dangerous encounter worse.
PREREQUISITES: This class is restricted to sworn public law enforcement officers and licensed private security officers only.
There is a saying we love around the office here;
Brandishing a firearm is not the solution to every confrontation, but rather taking action first will always beat reacting last.
That being said, there are times you may need to carry. So you will need a Concealed Carry Permit. In most every state including here in Florida where our corporate office is, you’ll need to take a concealed weapons class in order to successfully apply for your permit to carry a weapon.
These Executive Protection Certifications training classes are an absolute must for those that are serious about success in the Executive Protection/Bodyguard/Security Guard Industry.
Please ask us about our group rates, private classes, referrals and discounts for: military, law enforcement, firemen, EMT/paramedics and security officers with either D or G license.