Situational Awareness Training in Clearwater

ESS Global Corporation announces Situational Awareness Training in Clearwater – St Petersburg -Tampa Area on January 28. This 3 hour training is invaluable.

Situational Awareness Training in Clearwater January 28

First, what is Situational Awareness and why does it matter?

Situational Awareness training had it’s roots in the military. From the breadth of the various definitions, it should be clear that situation awareness, as viewed by many working in the area, is a considerably broader concept than that conventionally held by the military community who concentrated on spacial tactical relationships (red team vs blue team).

With all the active shooter events that have occurred over the past couple years, there has been many discussions about related issues ranging from prevention to response. For details on our discussion with the Florida D.O.E., see our Situational Awareness Guide.

The ESS Global Corp Situational Awareness Training in Clearwater/ St Petersburg / Tampa helps individuals and understand human factors, reduce the impact of situational awareness barriers, and improve decision making under stress.

See Something – Say Something

For years, the federal government has been pushing their awareness program, “If you see something, say something.” It’s a great strategy to identify troubling people and situations. But in order for it to work, we need to practice situational awareness, and the reality is we don’t.

How is this happening?

From Colorado to California to Paris, to right here in Florida, there have been mass attacks, not to mention the everyday personal assaults, carjacking and robberies.

Most people have no idea about situational awareness.

It is an unfortunate fact that most people stumble through life, blissfully unaware of the world around them. They remain preoccupied in their own thoughts of work, personal problems or other mundane issues, with no thought given to their immediate environment. But, by not paying attention to their surroundings, they place themselves in needless jeopardy.

What is Situaltional Awareness Training? Fewer trips to the ERTo fully understand this phenomena, go take a seat in the nearest hospital emergency room waiting area one evening. Observe the unfortunate people who come in for treatment and you will begin to understand this point.

You will see that roughly 20% of the individuals are actually sick, so you can ignore them. Some others are overdoses so you can ignore them as well.

The remaining majority are there because they did not pay attention to their environment. These will be the folks who walked off the edge of the loading dock, stepped off roofs, backed into running machinery, touched a red hot stove burner, stepped into the path of a vehicle, or allowed a thug to walk right up to them unnoticed and hit them in the head with a brick, brandished a knife, or worse, pulled out a gun and shot them.

You can be inattentive, and oblivious in your environment day-in and day-out and be lucky, until one day the odds catch up with you and you are injured.

What is Situational Awareness Training? It can save your lifeThe same exact principle applies to the street; individuals, businesses, colleges, churches and more. You can be inattentive and oblivious and get away with it until your path crosses the path of a criminal or intersects with violent situation. The vast majority of criminals are opportunists, who only strike when presented with a viable, easy opportunity.

An “easy mark”.


Remove the opportunity and you remove the risk to yourself.

And That is Why Situation Awareness Training Matters!

Developing awareness is a skill and the ESS Global Situational Awareness Training will give you the skill sets that last a lifetime. At first it will seem very awkward and self-conscious, but with practice, it will become seamless and subconscious. You will start to pick up on more and more subtle rings of disturbance and more complex stimuli from the world around you. Eventually, some people may even think you are psychic as they begin to notice how you seem to sense events before they unfold.

This Situational Awareness Training in Tampa is a 3-4 hour class depending on class size and focus. You will be out in time for lunch, and you’ll be much more aware as well.

This invaluable training is only $75!

Elevate Your Awareness to a Higher Level

The next open enrollment for Situational Awareness Training is Saturday January 28 at 8:00 AM at ESS Global Corp in the Tampa/ Clearwater area.

If your business or organization is interested in an SA training, contact us today.

church security in Orlando Florida“As the only training facility in Florida to be licensed by the US Department of Education, ESS Global Corporation provides education, training and consulting for commercial endeavors, government entities and the general public solely designed to enhance the safety and security of our communities. Our partnerships promote an unrelenting devotion to high standards of duty and courage.  ESS Global Corporation accomplishes this mission through an unwavering dedication to deliver comprehensive security services to the communities we value and serve.”


Tampa Situational Awareness Training January 28

ESS Global, a D.O.E approved security training organization, announces a Tampa Situational Awareness Training January 28th in Tarpon Springs Florida.

Tampa Situational Awareness Training January 28

Experience is not the best teacher, but it is the most expensive!
While you use experience to stay out of trouble, you gain experience by doing dumb things. For instance, you know from experience toys on the stairs are not a good idea. You learn from that and take care when walking down the stairs in order to avoid things that lead to falls.

  • The wise man learns from his own experience.
  • The fool fails to learn.
  • A survivor learns from others.

Learn Situational Awareness from the safety and protection experts at ESS Global Corp.

Tampa Situational Awareness Training December 4th at ESS Global Corp

This is no ordinary Tampa Situational Awareness Training on December 4th. This is not a 60 minute course discussing Cooper’s Colors.
This is much, much more.
You will learn how to make situational awareness part of your everyday routine and on the fly. Over time, the tools you will learn become almost a background activity, requiring little conscious thought.

Tampa Situational Awareness Training December 4th – The Details

Location: ESS Global Corporation – 905 E Martin Luther King Jr Dr #216, Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
When: Saturday January 28
Duration: 8:00 AM to Approx 11:30 PM
Host or


Tuition: $75.00 – contact us for groups larger than 5
In light of the recent attacks in France, Orlando and worldwide, the recurring episodes of church shootings and workplace/venue/cinema violence in the US, we’ve come to the realization that in a sense, we are all responsible for our own safety. Situational Awareness training is as much a skill as it is a mindset. In the ESS Global Tampa Situational Awareness Training class, you will learn the skills utilized by distinguished branches of the military, such as the Air Force, Coast Guard and Secret Service.
What exactly is “situational awareness”? It’s “paying attention” to what is going on around you.  It’s more than that, but the basic definition is the ability to scan the environment and sense danger, while maintaining the ability to conduct normal activities. In other words, to pay attention to your surroundings while not appearing to be paying attention.
For a more detailed look at our Tampa Situational Awareness Training, Click HERE.

Register Today

Developing awareness is a skill and the ESS Global Situational Awareness Training will give you the skill sets that last a lifetime. At first it will seem very awkward and self-conscious, but with practice, it will become seamless and subconscious. You will start to pick up on more and more subtle rings of disturbance and more complex stimuli from the world around you. Eventually, some people may even think you are psychic as they begin to notice how you seem to sense events before they unfold.

You may even begin to wonder….”why would I know that?”